Kids Mental Health Activity


This collection of activities fosters mindfulness and emotional intelligence regularly. It encourages reflection and expression while providing space for recording thoughts and feelings.

Our Kids Mental Health Activity helps both you and your child explore a series of activities regularly to boost mindfulness and emotional intelligence.

  • The Body Scan - Cultivates awareness of bodily sensations, promoting a sense of calmness. While helping you pay attention to how your body feels, which can make you feel calm.
  • The Taste Test - Relish the opportunity to savour food mindfully. This helps you enjoy your food more and think about what you're eating
  • Pause and Feel - A vital practice, aids in comprehending emotions, empowering proactive responses. While also helping you to understand your feelings better, and importantly, know what to do with them.

Dance Your Feelings exercise, a lively method to articulate emotions while enhancing mood.

Colour Watch - This helps you pay attention to what's around you and makes you feel more calm and focused.

Throughout these activities, we provide spaces for writing down thoughts and emotions. This process encourages introspection and self-awareness, essential for emotional well-being. Incorporating these practices regularly cultivates mindfulness and emotional intelligence, nurturing a balanced and resilient mindset

We hope both you and your child enjoy our Kids Mental Health Activity Book

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